Gang of Four

美 [ɡæŋ əv fɔːr]英 [ɡæŋ ɒv fɔː(r)]
  • 网络四人帮;四人组
Gang of FourGang of Four
  1. The gang of four did not agree with me .


  2. Before long I was again toppled by the gang of four .


  3. This pattern shows the age of the Gang of Four book and its thinking .


  4. Another interesting change has occurred since the Gang of Four book 's publication .


  5. The Gang of Four book describes the Adaptor pattern as


  6. The Gang of Four ( GoF ) design patterns are also well-known .


  7. The Gang of Four book defines the Decorator pattern as


  8. The book " Design Patterns " by the Gang of Four describes the Mediator Pattern in detail .


  9. The Pattern Explorer allows you to apply the Gang of Four patterns and use them in your design .


  10. Traditional design patterns from the Gang of Four book assume that the solution to every problem requires building more classes .


  11. This work was suspended for two years owing to interference and sabotage by the gang of four .


  12. After the smashing of the Gang of Four , the personality cult continued for a period of time .


  13. The nomenclature aspects of the Gang of Four book remain valuable today , but the implementations are outdated .


  14. I discussed how several of the Gang of Four patterns can be implemented in more expressive languages ( like Groovy ) .


  15. The paper mainly makes research of representation patterns in J2EE Core Patterns and a few relative patterns in GoF ( Gang Of Four ) .


  16. The " Gang of Four " establishes the Central May7 Art Cadre School , with Jiang Qing as its principal .


  17. Since the downfall of the Gang of Four , the Central Government has adopted many measures to develop the areas inhabited by minority nationalities .


  18. When we talk about patterns and let 's use the Gang of Four " Design Patterns " as an example there are two different elements that people are interested in .


  19. Apparently , the designers of the I / O libraries read the Decorator section of the Gang of Four book and really took it to heart !


  20. In contrast to the formal Design Patterns popularized by the Gang of Four 's Design Patterns book ( see Resources ), idiomatic patterns don 't apply across all projects .


  21. We must thank the Gang of Four ( GoF ) for identifying the23 basic Design Patterns in their book Design Patterns : Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software .


  22. Separating technical responsibilities using a pattern like Model-View-Controller from the Gang of Four book ( see Resources ) makes it easier to isolate routing , view , and domain logic .


  23. The design pattern framework uses messaging to implement and / or facilitate the implementation of well-known design patterns like Gang Of Four design patterns ( GoF ) and J2EE Design patterns .


  24. These four authors are commonly known as " The Gang of Four ," and thus the patterns described in this book are referred to by the same short-hand term .


  25. After the downfall of the gang of four , I came back to work . I believe that in the seven years since1977i have not made any major mistakes .


  26. The first couple of examples show this exact embrace of Gang of Four patterns in more modern Java-based languages , incorporating the Iterator and Command patterns directly into the language .


  27. The gang of four are blamed for all the faults . I 'm told that when the Chinese talk about the gang of four , many of them hold up five fingers .


  28. To that end , this article the first of two parts uses a dynamic language for the JVM ( Groovy ) to demonstrate alternative implementations of some of the Gang of Four patterns .


  29. In fact , the Gang of Four solutions are heavily biased toward creating structures to implement the pattern solutions & have you noticed that every pattern includes a UML diagram showing the solution ?


  30. As stated earlier , MDP has been used to implement and / or facilitate the implementation of other well-known design patterns like Gang of Four design patterns ( GoF ), DAO , J2EE Design patterns , etc.
